Hawk and Dove Part One: The Tale of Maggie Cho
I have long been a huge, screaming mad fan of comedienne Margaret Cho. Whether you agree with her or not and I often do, you’ve got to give her an A plus for having the moxie not to pander to the middle and for telling the twisted story of womanhood just as it is: cellulite,…
It’s a Wonder: The Search for A New Superheroine
What girl of a certain age (those who remember torn leggings and the Cure the first time ’round), hasn’t wanted to suit up in her Wonder Woman costume and lasso that louse who’s destroying civilization? Come on, just admit it, you’ve got a pic of yourself age 8 in a WW Halloween mask, don’t ya?.…
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words
All Politics is Local…Or How I Learned to Be Humble
I now know the contact high Olympian athletes experience after donning their shiny patria-gear and rubbing shoulders with their compatriots ’round the globe in the ceremonial opening parade. I’ve seen a practical pou-pou’s platter full of health ministry folks here on my Tromso sojourn, which includes not only members of the G-20 but representatives of…
Let Your Voice Be Heard (and Mine)
After last year’s Presidential elections I haven’t seen so many baby doll tees and bumper stickers urging the populace to vote. But today, I’m asking you to exercise your civic right by going to http://www. Podcastalley.com, searching for my new hour-long show Radio Redhead and giving it a listen. If you like what you hear,…
Tune In, Turn On
Video may have killed the radio star, but podcasting will rip their corpses up from the graveyard and back onto the airways. Radio has always been a part of my life. Both of my parents participated in AM/FM talkies, my pops as an announcer and my mum as a programmer for the venerable WHBC in…
Like Gno-One Else
Today I sit mob-blogging live from the Gnomedex 4.0 confab in beauteous Reno, Nevada. There are very few times in life when you walk into a room and find true compatriots. This is even more the case when you are a wacky girl who reads the Economist, Ruski-history and 400-page tomes of German science and…